
Ten members, elected at our Annual General Meeting in August 2024, form the Committee of Management of the Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens:

Committee Office-bearers:

President: Charles Pond
Vice President: Jan Cheyne
Vice-President: Carol Richardson
Secretary: Rosslyn Jablonsky
Treasurer: Judy Fyfe

Committee Members:

Tilly Brunton
Barrie Satchell
Belinda Taylor
Chris Balaam
David Murdoch

The Committee of Management works for the good governance of the Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens, in administering the Purposes and Rules and the business of our association. It supports members to carry out the Friends’ activities and to benefit Geelong Botanic Gardens.

The Committee offers activities and events including: the Geelong School of Botanical Art classes, Through the Garden Gates tour, an evening Talks Program, Tours and Winter Luncheon. It also manages Friends’ staffing and administration and works in partnership with the City and the Gardens. The Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens Incorporated is the Trustee for the Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens Gift Fund.

The Committee appoints subcommittees to carry out Friends activities, events and some administrative functions. Each group annually appoints a Coordinator, who coordinates volunteer activities and regularly reports to Committee. Subcommittees include the Guides; Friends’ Plant Nursery, Perennial Border and Heritage Rose Growers; Friends’ Library; Marketing and Publications; Friends’ Website; Events; Finance and the Geelong School of Botanical Art.

Annual General Meeting, 26 August 2024

Sincere thanks to all members who attended this  Annual General Meeting, allowing a quorum to be reached to enable the passing of the Special resolution.

President's Annual Report 2024 

Treasurer's Financial Report 2024

FGBG Patron

We are thrilled to have Stephen Ryan as our Patron, read more about Stephen.


Rules and Purposes

Following the 2013 AGM, confirmation was received from the Registrar of Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) that our new Rules and Purposes had been approved, without alteration.  

At the 2014 AGM, the Committee proposed some further alterations and the Friends voted to broaden the scope of our Purposes and Rules and our Gift Fund Trust Deed to include Eastern Park. This change recognises the City Fathers’ original intention that the Botanic Gardens occupy the entire 20 acre site, part of which is now Eastern Park. This change received ratification from Consumer Affairs Victoria and the Australian Taxation Office, although Eastern Park cannot be included in any distribution from the Gift Fund.

At the 2020 AGM, the Friends voted to include a clause in the Rules and Purposes, to allow new memberships to be applied for online as an alternative to the existing hardcopy Membership Application. This Special Resolution will not be effective until it is approved by Consumer Affairs Victoria.

FGBG Rules and Purposes 2013 with Amendments 2014 & 2021

FGBG Members' Handbook

The FGBG Members' Handbook is for all our members and is written for Friends enjoying the Gardens and working together. It has three messages:  

  • To welcome new members into our association.
  • To outline the history of Geelong Botanic Gardens and provide some information about the roles of the City of Greater Geelong at the Gardens, and the role of the Friends.
  • Volunteers' induction; explains the way we must operate while at work in the Gardens, with a pro forma (available at the Friends’ office) that all volunteers sign, in order to comply with CoGG and Friends’ requirements.

We hope you find it helpful and welcome your responses. Like our Website, the Handbook will always be a work in progress, as we grow and change.

FBGB Members' Handbook 

Other Organisational Documents

The Committee has developed Policies to assist in the management of the organisation, for the mutual benefit of our members and our staff.  Members can access these policies at the office and current policies include:

  • Professional Development Policy
  • Leave of Absence Policy
  • Refund Policy
  • Gifts and Reimbursement Policy
  • Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention Policy
  • Website and Social Media Policy
  • Child-safe Standards Protocol

The Friends, in partnership with the City of Greater Geelong, also observe the City's policies and procedures in volunteer workplace matters such as:

  • FGBG Hands on Horticulture Activity Standard Operating Procedure