'Dig a Little Deeper'

These Special Interest Themed Walks are offered each month, usually on the second Sunday, commencing at 2.00 pm, weather permitting. 

Meet your Volunteer Guide on the front steps of the Botanic Gardens. 

Gold coin donation.

Sunday 11 February: Themed Discovery Walk 'Pacific Rim' 2.00 pm at the Front Gates
Discover some of the amazing trees that grow around our Pacific Rim.  Some of these are rare and threatened in their native habitat.  This important collection is displayed in the attractive southern extension to the Geelong Botanic Gardens. Gold coin donation is appreciated.   

Sunday 10 March: Themed Discovery Walk 'Perennial and Silver Border' 2.00 pm at the Front Gates
Geelong Botanic Gardens has an impressive display of perennial plants and silver plants in its borders. Come and learn how these plants not only have the ability to conserve water but at the same time offer a colourful addition to our gardens. Gold coin donation appreciated

Sunday 21 April: Themed Discovery Walk 'Geelong's Remarkable Garden' 2.00 pm at the Front Gates
Geelong Botanic Gardens, established in 1851, is the fourth oldest botanic garden in Australia.  The first curators were avid plant collectors and many of the splendid trees they planted now have heritage status.  Several historic structures have also found a home here, including some 'curiosities'. Gold coin donation appreciated.

Sunday 12 May: Themed Discovery Walk 'Gondwana Story' 2.00 pm at the Front Gates
This walk is an opportunity to see the plants in Geelong Botanic Gardens which are direct descendants of the plants that lived on the southern supercontinent of Gondwana,  the ancient landmass attached to Antarctica.  The many plants that have miraculously survived Australia's 45 million years of separation are well-represented in our Gardens for us to enjoy.  Gold coin donation is appreciated

Sunday 9 June: Themed Discovery Walk 'Eastern Park and the Storm Water Facility' 2.00 pm at the Front Gates
A guided tour to explore the Stormwater Harvesting Project in Eastern Park and how it has evolved over the years.   The storm-water dam has created a natural wetland promoting diverse plant and animal life, providing valuable water for Geelong Botanic Gardens. Gold coin donation appreciated.

Sunday 14 July: Themed Discovery Walk 'The Fern Collection' 2.00 pm at the Front Gates
Come and learn about ferns and how fashions in the GBG have changed from John Raddenberry, the 2nd Curator’s renowned Fernery begun in 1885, to our modern natural Fern Glade established in 1982.  It has recently been refurbished with most species of ferns, the Conservatory allowing for the inclusion of tropical ferns. Gold coin donation is appreciated. 

Sunday 11 August: Themed Discovery Walk 'Camelia Walk' 2.00 pm at the Front Gates
The Camellia Walk is full of vivid colour at this time of year. Take a stroll through the camellias and other stunning Chinese plants and learn about some of the plant explorers who travelled the world searching for new and exotic species. Gold coin donation appreciated.


Sunday 15 September: Themed Discovery Walk 'Sensory Walk' 2.00 pm at the Front Gates
Stimulate all your senses on a guided adventure in Geelong Botanic Gardens.  Have fun exploring the aromas and flavours of plants and learn how they are used in food, drinks, cosmetics, and medicines. Listen to the sounds of the Gardens – identify the birds. Feel the textures, from velvety soft to harsh and abrasive. Enjoy the vistas. Meet your guide at the front steps. Gold coin donation appreciated.

Sunday 13 October: Themed Discovery Walk 'Our First Paople and Their Plants' 2.00 pm at the front Gates.
Geelong Botanic Gardens is on Wadawurrung land. Learn about our first people: their lifestyle, conservation of resources and traditional use of plants for food, medicine, weapons, transport, musical instruments and cultural ceremonies. Things changed for the Wadawurrung when Europeans arrived here ….  but this is Wadawurrung Land: always was, always will be. Gold coin donation is appreciated.

Sunday 10 November: Themed Discovery Walk 'Out of Africa' 2.00 pm, at the front gates
More details to come

Sunday 8 December: Themed Discovery Walk 'Native Plants and their Pollinators' 2.00 pm at the front gates.
The pollination of plants is integral to their reproduction and survival.  Come and learn about the differing ways native plants are pollinated.  Hear how native plants can provide habitat for local native fauna to encourage pollinators such as small birds, butterflies, native bees, lizards, frogs and bats. Gold coin donation is appreciated.